The Strength of Handwriting and Hesitations

Whalen, Philip. _Highgrade. Coyote's Journal. 1966

Visual Poetry

"certainly we are much more aware of Apollinaire's presence, of his personality, in the handwritten calligrams. There is a greater intimacy between the poet and the reader, who no longer have to communicate via the intermediary of typographical characters." - Bohn, Willard, The Aesthetics of Visual Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 50.

Futurism Budetlyane

"certainly we are much more aware of Apollinaire's presence, of his personality, in the handwritten calligrams. There is a greater intimacy between the poet and the reader, who no longer have to communicate via the intermediary of typographical characters." - Bohn, Willard, The aesthetics of Visual Poetry, cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 50.

Saijo, Albert, _Outspeaks: A Rhapsody. Honolulu, Bamboo Ridge Press, 1997

or we could scribble