Tonedeaf in Nashville

Adrift in Post-Traumatic Space


"Why not invent a story: 'The Man with the

Wicked Tree in His Head'? Something will

come to mind: I will die only if I can no longer

invent anything. I am dead when I am silent."

Diggelmann, W. (1979). _Schatten Tagebuch

eine Krankheit [Shadows, diary of an illness].

Zurich: Benziger, p.62, quoted in Dreifuss-Kattan,

E. (1990). _Cancer stories: Creativity and

self-repair. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. p. 178.

Life doesn't always rhyme

I didn't reckon reconnaise

on having

                           _'b`'~=_                                '`           
           !"                                         coffee, T, or?    
,''                         @@---?  %'                           "'        
                         ;`                        ~~                           
 Qqg   ~                        __                                `  '          
          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                     STRANO.                                 
  ,'             I                maladies malodorous`'              P          
TO SWALLOW.  C        5.2.93                                                    
       Bada Shanren                                     capis?   

Stately cranes

Slowly dance.

Ancient fiddling


in their minds

A change of heart

And the stage is lit.

And a goodole downhome bubba


and shoots your eyes out.

Clarkesville, 5-3-93:

Country singer shoots. Selling

millions gives him the right to

fire his handgun during a common

dispute with three teenagers on the

interstate over the right to pass.

"Spring in Xizhou, slightly drunk,

At Nannei the flowers are already late.

Somewhere near me the sound of a lone qui--

"I wonder who is composing an elegy?"         

The bone-white dead can come to this          

A change of heart

Starts the song once more.

- These lines were left on the internet by Bada Shanren

(Chinese, 1626 - 1705) and only recently recovered.

Adrift in Post-traumatic Space

"309.89 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

A. The person has experienced an event that is outside the range of usual human..."

Nameless bones spread

          maintaining always

                    appropriate distance.

And there another

psychotic killer

                    slouches free and loosely

toward Music City.

And Josie

faces Mecca,

and Josie fastens cute buttons

on an ice-blue top,

and Josie steels herself

for facing the

faceless waiting for

Big slices.

B: The traumatic event ispersistently reexperienced in at least one of the following ways:

...numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma) as indicated by at least three of the following:...

(6) restricted range of affect, e.g., unable to have loving feelings..."

I live in your small dark rooms.

And I wait for a window of opportunity to open.

And I wait. I wait for the shadow

that cannot be named

to overtake us, to overtake me.


     settled for various

          adjustments to that

               crimson paisley tie.

seeking connection he could tolerate

Clarkesville's Quiet

Shaken by 3 Killings    

Clarkesville, Tenn. - Annabelle Brown was washing the dishes from a spaghetti diner she had cooked for her boyfriend and two friends when she was shot in the forehead. "People are just going crazy these days," said...

Do we admit this to poetry?

Tsvetayeva recoiled in panic at what didn't fit.

In Clarkesville a country singer thinks

he can do whatever he wants

Selling millions gives him the right

to fire his handgun after a common dispute

with three teenagers in Wilson County

over the right to pass.

And in Bosnia

and in Russia

and in Ireland

the world of all religions and ethnicities is dying

for lack of medical treatment.

C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma or numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma) as indicated by at least three of the following:....

1. Silence

     and 2. numbness

          and 3. staring vacancies

               overfill the 4. empty mantels

                    and 5. guttered castles.

And this is me

          and this I cannot control,

                    this I cannot fix.

Adrift in Post-traumatic Space (2)

"309.89 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder A. The person has experienced an event that is outside the range of usual human..." B. (1) Th Mauled tots swim rec etr my mind's eye all urr au askew, asunder. ent mat an ic Death on the playground: d i eve "C'mon, let us play ball!" ntr nt Action speaks. usi is ve ree I absent myself some. rec exp And then further inure. oll eri Faraway Rockaway prison ect enc ion ed Enwrap pain. One way s o in ticket to Siberia. f t at Return naked on nails. he lea eve st one of the following ways: ...numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma) as indicated by at least three of the following:... (6) restricted range of affect, e.g., unable to have loving feelings..."

Adrift in Posttraumatic Space 3

"309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


at last at

last at the at the last

at the last of Long travails

I can rest. Tonight

Tonight I can write

I can write of

wide-spread license the silent

tonight I can drink

waters of memory

Tonight I can feel

bitterness, tears, rumors whitewash

ing fences. Cover

thickened spaces

we cannot

we cannot traverse


"...or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or..."

Tonight I can see

Waco, that dry pristine air surrounding the cabin enclave,


in a lone truck moving on to unabomb OK City

and here I sit watching hoping awaiting channeling


Tonight I can hope.

Peoria. Black churches in flames and that truck moved

moved on moved on by the moved on by the traffic cop

held the answer.

"...threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others (2) the person's...

Tonight I can pretend

or we again could play

cowboys and Indians

cops and Robbers

citizens and Tanks

star wars defense and The Other

or I could end

or I could make it


or relate

or make sense

or this it is not.

"...this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior...

Tonight I can grieve

at last

at the end

at the end

of my at

the end of my days.